Recipes and Tips

Pecan Facts, Family Recipes, Pecan Tips and more...


Feed a small army with this cake recipe

This fruit flavored cake made by Melissa Ellis serves a small army, and that seems to be needed... more>


Priester's Kitchen Secrets Revealed

As a family of bakers and candy makers, Priester's Pecans takes great pride in the freshness... more>


Toasted Pecan Toffee Cookie Recipe

Laurie and her "baking bud" daughter Lily entered our Blue Ribbon Recipe Challenge with this delicious... more>


Pecans are a hearty and healthy snack

Did you know pecans are loaded with nutritious goodness? Yes it's true. New research on this tasty tree nut tells us they're rich in chemicals called anti-oxidants... more>


Pecans - more American than Apple Pie

Pecans have an interesting history that's uniquely American. This relative of the Walnut tree is native to North America. Pecan trees can grow up to 100 feet tall... more>


What Makes a Perfect Pecan?

How does Priesters pick the best pecans? We're a family business, having devoted our lives to growing the perfect pecan since the 1930's. We harvest... more>


510 Pecan Pie Baking Tests Later...

Why 510 pie baking tests? Our tradition of baking "Blue Ribbon Good" pecan pies for sale to the public began in 1987. Much like prize-winning pies you've tasted... more>


A Dessert Marriage Made in Heaven: Chocolate & Pecans

Chocolate and pecan pie. Imagine the flavor and aroma. In creating a new pecan pie, we decided on using chocolate because it's a dessert favorite... more>